Rakugolover’s blog


来年の抱負(落語版)の見直し(English follows Japanese)










•  彦八まつり(8/31-9/1)に初参加!


 Check my new year resolution 

I want to check my New Year resolution and review it. Look before you leap. 

I put  ⭕️❌🔺  on the top of the items. 

🔺Update this blog three times per month: impossible!! Switch to update one time per month. 

❌Go to the Nigiwaiza in Yokohama:not yet

❌ go to the Kirakukan in Kobe: not yet

⭕️Open this blog in public: Still open

⭕️ When I go to listen to Rakugo, I try to find an event where rare stories are performed : I  went to a Rakugo show that Hakucho performed Nagareno Butaji stories and enjoyed it. 

⭕️ Write the blog both in Japanese and  in English; Done!

I try to keep these items the rest of the year. 

One item is added;

•  Go to Hicohachi matsuri for the first timeof on September 1 in Osaka.