Rakugolover’s blog


落語の懐の深さ(English follows Japanese)


•  与太郎ー無職、または馬鹿、もしくは両方

•  若旦那ー居候(もちろん無職)

•  花魁、芸者 ー水商売

•  遊び人ーギャンブラー

•  隠居ー老害






What an easygoing world Rakugo is!


Nowadays, some kinds of people are tending to be suffering from bashing. But in the Rakugo world, they become heroes or heroines sometimes. 

For example;

•  Yotaro - unemployed, or foolish guy

•  Wakadanna - a freeloader (unemployed, of course)

•  Oiran, Geisha- bar hostesses

•  Asobinin - a gambler

•  Inkyo — old claimers 


What those people never do is to justify themselves. Yotaro never says, “I am unemployed because of you”. They live their lives as they are. We can enjoy listening to Rakugo stories without trying to find the reason he or she became like that. 


Once a problem occurred, we tend to look into the crime background and find reasons. After that, we intend to put severe bashing on them. However, we should respect this tolerant Rakugo world people who accept “let it go”.