Rakugolover’s blog


春風亭一之輔のドキュメンタリー見て思ったこと(English follows Japanese)






What I thought of when I watched the I watched the documentary about Shunputei Ichinosuke

I watched the documentary DVD about a popular Rakugo performer, Shunputei Ichinosuke the other day. It was a little bit boring and less-professional, but I got an insight from it. To create a new Rakugo story is very difficult even if a Rakugo performer. 

Shunputei Shota once said that he can identify whether his newly created Rakugo will become popular or not when he is creating it.  The one when he  writes it at a stroke and read it  with laughs will become popular and long-life story.

He said that that type of stories are very easy to perform and enjoyable. 

In DVD, Ichinosuke felt trouble to create a new story. I guess he took a wrong way to creat it. There are many Rakugo stories whose heroes or heroines are an employee, so he might have made up a similar story along such stories. But Rakugo performer is not an employee. Ichinosuke can’t understand employee’s feelings. If he had worked as a business person, he could understand it. 

He said in DVD that he understands people in Rakugo stories with supports from his experiences. He also imagines what people in Rakugo think. If he created a Rakugo story with the same approach, he would have succeeded.