Rakugolover’s blog


歌謡曲と落語の組み合わせは難しい…(English follows Japanese)

先日、春風亭小朝の “三つの夢コンサート"に行ってきた。小朝のは越路吹雪という大女優の人生を題材にした落語というよりトークだったが、なかなか興味深かった。が、合間に入る歌謡曲には少しがっかり。





The combination of singing and Rakugo looks difficult 

I went to the concert titled ”Three dreams concert” the other day.  Koasa’s performance was not an authentic Rakigo but a talk which theme is Koshiji Fubuki, who was one of the greatest actresses in Japan.  That talk itself was interesting. However, songs inserted into that talk disappointed me a little. 

Though ”Karaoke hospital” which was performed by Shunputei Ryusho is very funny because singing is an important part of the Rakugo,  I couldn't enjoy Koasa’s talk enough due to some songs which were inserted occasionally. 

Ongyoku-banashi (the combination of Rakigo and music) has been performed since the Edo era. If he uses singing like Ongyoku-banashi style, I wouldn't feel uncomfortable. This situation seems that someone forces me to read footnotes while I concentrate on reading an interesting book. 

After Rakugo performance, I enjoyed the guitar and the violin concerts. If Koasa makes a new Rakugo which uses the violin or the guitar, I think it would be more interesting.